Friday, April 22, 2011

san chapelle.

this place was the moment.
you know, that moment when you realize that you are somewhere you've been waiting to be.
it had been my favorite cathedral i studied.
but then i walked in.
i looked around me, and stood there in the middle, and just...


i said in my head, thank you. thank you for letting me be in the middle of all this beauty.
and my eyes started to water.
you know, i've talked about it before, the way i feel in front of art. like my feet are planted into the floor.
this was a little bit different. for the first time, i was inside a piece of art. and it got me thinking. about how my wish for life is to feel just like that, at some moment, every day.
for me, my life is a piece of art. and it's not just one painting. it's a collection of color and line and direction and flow, sfumato and chiaroscuro. my life is a museum, actually.
isn't that beautiful?
and there i was at that moment, in a sea of color and light.
i never wanted to leave.

but somehow i did, with the promise of a return hanging in the air.


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you look really good today!