Tuesday, November 16, 2010


mallory is much much much too kind to me.
she is clearly responsible for the awesomeness of this blog.
& i love her. so so much.
thanks, mal.
something she said in that post has got me thinking. about how she & i are free and young.
trust me, that is a true statement. and those are two beautiful words.
but sometimes i worry about myself. and the young thing.
because, as john mayer states, "i'm only good at being young".
i don't have a solution..
so maybe, just maybe, i can stay young forever?
that would be MUCH appreciated. because when i am young, i get to do things like this:
remember when i asked a boy to preference obnoxiously early?
well, saturday night was the big night.
and i feel like i must follow up with you, since some of you thought i was clever.
a.) steve is the best date ever. i love him dearly, and we have amazing dance moves.
b.) all the rest of my group was amazing also. and it was just a blast all over.
c.) let me just show you the rest in photos.

 (of course we had to stop at the photobooth. it was a full circle moment. commentary: 
1st photo in b&w: we had to smile because we pulled faces in every picture that night.
2nd: steve wanted to be a vampire and eat me.
3rd: awkward looks. typical.
4th: who knew his mouth was that large?
color photostrip: steve & i, jess & jake, nat & martin. love them.)

classy, right?
that evening gave me joy.
i hope that your weekend was lovely.

go to dances with nice boys.

and be young as long as you want to.

lovelovelove, han.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just tell you guys that this blog is like...my number one favorite blog to read? I love it. You guys are clever with words. and everything. I love it.


you look really good today!